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Thesis Statement Examples

Thesis Statement Examples

A thesis statement usually appears at the beginning of your thesis; often at the end of your paper’s introductory paragraph. However, this doesn’t mean you should formulate it early in your writing process. You may need to gather enough material and facts to create an understanding of your chosen topic before you can formulate a good thesis statement.

The thesis statement tells your view of the presented problem, directly and explicitly, in a sentence or two. Your paper then builds an academic argument to support the thesis.

Thesis statements examples based on the type of the paper you want to write

When you’re developing your thesis statement, it’s important to determine what type of paper you are writing.

a) Analytical paper — this type of paper analyzes your chosen issue and breaks it down to increase the reader’s understanding of the problem.

Example of a thesis statement for an analytical paper: An analysis of Virginia Wolf’s work reveals that her characters rarely had a precise profile and were surrounded by mystery.

b) Expository or explanatory paper — as the name suggests, this type of paper explains something to your reader.

Example of a thesis statement for an explanatory paper: Although media advocates its neutrality, evidence shows that contemporary reporting is often biased.

c) Argumentative paper — this type of paper you make a claim and try to persuade your audience that it is true.

Example of a thesis statement for an argumentative paper: Secular movements of the 20th century helped establish the equality of women in Europe because they opposed the dominance of the Catholic Church.

Thesis statement examples that evolved through the thinking process

It is very likely that your thesis statement will change as you become more familiar with your topic. You might start with a working thesis statement and then refine it as you go along. Here are some examples:

a) Original thesis statement example: Animal extinction is bad for the future of our planet.

Comment: This statement doesn’t provide sufficient depth regarding a complex issue and uses words (e.g. ‘bad’) that will be difficult to prove. You should avoid right/wrong statements and provide the reader enough context.

Revised thesis statement example: Although extinction of a plant species can be a natural phenomenon, the current rate is 1,000 to 10,000 higher than the presumed natural extinction rate. This man-made condition affects the biodiversity of our planet, as such we need to develop new approaches to mitigate the influence humans have on flora and fauna.

b) Original thesis statement example: In this paper, I will explore how the practice of body and mind techniques can increase a person’s health.

Comment: It is not advisable to simply introduce your topic. Try to present your own unique angle on your chosen subject.

Revised thesis statement example: Body and mind techniques are practiced by many people who suffer from chronic conditions because they offer advantages over reductionistic treatment approaches that rely primarily on symptom control.

c) Original thesis statement example: Early environmental influences are important for the development of the child’s brain.

Comment: Don’t merely state a fact. As already mentioned, try to craft a thesis that is original and memorable.

Revised thesis statement example: Early environmental influences have been shown to contribute to the development of the brain. Music and audio stimulation can have a particularly significant effect as they stimulate the part of the child’s brain associated with higher-level thinking processes.

When you are formulating your thesis statement, remember that it needs to give the reader an idea of what to expect from the rest of your work. In a nutshell, it should tell the reader what your paper/research is about. The reader can either agree or disagree with the argument you are making. It is up to you to present a strong case and persuade them.

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