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How do I Pick a Good Coach?

How do I Pick a Good Coach?

If you are looking for some help in any area of life, you might be considering hiring a coach. But as you start your search for one, you will probably notice that there are numerous coaches to choose from. If you want the best chance of finding the right coach, one who will really make a difference for you, here are some tips that might help.

Think About the Qualities You Want in a Coach

Before you pick a coach, you should brainstorm the goal you are trying to achieve. As important, you should give thought to the qualities and personality traits of people who inspire you. One way to do this is to consider the supportive people already involved in your life. Think about the traits these people have. These traits might include a caring attitude, a laid back approach to life, or brutal honesty that you know you can trust. Each person’s style is different — coach and coachee — and building early rapport is one of the keys to success in coaching. As such, it is important to have a sense of who you want to work with going into the selection process. Once you choose a few top qualities, you should write them down. Then you can easily refer to them as you meet with the coaches vying for your business.

Decide Which Areas of Your Life Need Improvement

You should not believe any coach who claims he or she can solve all of your problems. In reality, the typical coach is a specialist in one or two areas. So as you research coaches in your city, you should think about the specific aspects of your life that you really want to improve.

For example, if you need help getting through developing your leadership skills, you will want to choose a coach who specializes in personal development, not someone who focuses mostly on well-being. Similarly, if you are trying to start your own business, you will want to hire a coach with experience in this type of endeavor, not a leadership coach.

Check Credentials Before Hiring a Coach

There are so many coaches available that it doesn’t make sense to hire one who does not have the proper experience to fit your needs. This is why you should ask coaches about past successes and/or any accreditation they may have. Most experienced coaches are proud to discuss what makes them unique, whether they went through a rigorous training program or simply make an effort to gain knowledge through extended education.

Do Your Homework First Before Committing

If you know anyone who has successfully used a coach, ask him or her for a referral. If no one you know has hired a coach before, you can use Unstick Me’s coaching directory to find coaches in your area. This should help you expand your options so you can make the best possible choice. Once you have some good choices, you can set up initial meetings with a few different coaches reassured that they have a good reputation, solid credentials, the qualities you want in a coach, and the specialty you need. The interview process then is the time for you to make sure your and the coach’s personalities will mesh well together. You should be able to tell this within the first meeting. If you find a coach who is easy to talk to and you feel moves you forward after a few sessions you have probably made a good decision and investment. If not, do not waste time trying to make the relationship work, instead use that time to find an alternative coach that works for you.

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